Patience During The Holidays
Venturing out this time of year is really trying. The stores are packed.Not only retail stores but the supermarkets too.It's the time of...
Remembering Your Loved Ones
The holidays are here. It is not only a time to celebrate with family and friends it is also a time to remember your loved ones who have...

Hidden Treasures
Well it's that time of year again. Giving is in the air. Usually when it comes to the time where we start to shop for the holidays we go...
Prescription Meds and Street Drugs
It really is quite scary at just how many prescriptions are dispensed these days. It seems like there is a pill for everything. We have...
Who Are The Real Demons?
The other day I was watching the usual array of paranormal shows on one of my favorite pass time channels. I have seen many of these...

Our gift Sammi
Today marks the 41st anniversary of my Dad's passing. So many years have passed.So many major events. Weddings,births etc. I can still...

The Holidays!
The holidays are coming. Whether you are Catholic,Jewish or Pagan we all celebrate around the same time. Besides the usual listing of...

Staying True To You
While talking to a friend today I was reminded of a few things.The first being that if you are around long enough it can be really...

These Things Really Can Happen!
The other day I was watching the news. There was a report about how a dog almost burned a house down. They went on to explain that there...
Psychics Playing Dirty
It truly is pathetic how some so-called professionals handle themselves. There is more to being a Psychic than making money. Don't get me...