Choosing Your Battles Wisely
It really is amazing what people concern themselves with. The latest rants on social media are about the new holiday set ups where you...
Counting Your Blessings
So many of us take for granted all of the wonderful things that we have in our lives. This does not only pertain to family and...

Being a Medium
I have been a medium for as far back as I remember. As a matter of fact I think I do my best work with some incense ,a candle and my...

The Art of Giving
With the high cost of living it is very hard to keep our heads above water. The last thing we can think about is giving. Giving is...

The Benefits of Meditation
Quite often I will ask a client if they meditate. Quite often the answer is no. There are so many beneficial aspects that connect to the...

It's Not Always Easy To Recognize Toxic People
Most of us think that we would be able to recognize negativity or toxic people immediately. There are certain things we look for like...

All Souls Day
Yesterday was All Souls Day. This is one of the more powerful days for me. Many times we get so caught up in life we don't really take...
Staying True To Your Trade
It's hard enough to have credibility in the psychic world. When I say psychic world I mean anyone who is in the line of work that...

Opening Doors To The Other Side
​ If you watch these paranormal shows on television it seems that everyone has an opinion on what exactly opens the door between the 2...

How Simple Things In Life Can Change Someone's Day
Tis the season for giving! Personally I think that sentiment should resonate in all of us all year long. We are all a part of the same...