I'd like to introduce myself.My real name is Janice DiMaggio Pietzak. I go by the name of Janny Di. Janny is a nicknamethat was lovingly...

Book Blog Block
Starting Monday December 14th I will be publishing blogs contining content of my book "Their Whispers Tell A Story". For those of you who...
Spiritual Protection
One of the most important things anyone can practice is the act of protecting themselves.There is so much energy that comes at us...
Understanding Your Personal Power
I had a couple reading last night that really got me thinking about things. In this particular situation a newly wed couple was unable to...

Finding Your Peace
Now that 2015 is coming to a close, it is time to decide how we are going to change our lives for the coming year. Some people,quit...

Remembering What The Holidays Are About
Well it is December first....believe it or not. Starting with Thanksgiving we are shot right into the holidays. No slowing down now until...

Karma. Many people use the word but how many truly understand the meaning of it. The basic belief is that what you put out into the...

Avoiding Black Friday Like the Plague
It's the day after.The day after Black Friday.If you're wondering where the term is I was told that it's the day where all the...
Patience and Love
As parents we want what is best for our loved ones .Sometimes they don't always go down the path that we wish they would. Often they get...

Psychics...A Tough Skinned Special Breed
Those of us who are in the field of "divination" learn how to let things roll off our shoulders. As we all know,many of us were led down...