Prince June7,1958-April21,2016

I just wouldn't feel right to let the week go by without giving a nod to the incomparable Prince Rogers Nelson. I remember when Prince busted onto the music scene back in the 80's. When Purple Rain was released in the movie theaters many people were offended by the sexual nature of some of the film. Yes,I said sexual Nature...We've come a far way haven't we. Either way there was no denying how talented Prince and the revolution were. Purple Rain is one of my favorites as I am sure is so many others too.
Prince was one of a kind.Appearing on stage with his white ruffled shirts,purple suit and Little Richard hair styles. He was definitely someone who walked to the beat of his own drum.He was also an innovator in the field of music. Whether you were a rocker(as yours truly was) or a disco buff ,Princes music transcended all. He had a style that was all his own crossing between funk,rock,jazz and pop.The appeal was overwhelming.
So hats off to you Prince. You were a spiritual teacher in this lifetime and opened the eyes of many through your music.I'll never forget your purple sunglasses with 3 lenses.You knew that sometimes it was best to shield your third eye too! Namaste !