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Do Our Fur Babies Reincarnate-Part 2

Kiwi (cannoli) March 15, 2018

I took the dog in and after 2 days felt myself growing fond of her. I still was not ready to adopt but my daughter was. She called me from work and said ,"Mom,I can't give this puppy back.I want to keep her." I told her it was up to her but if she did,the puppy was to sleep downstairs in her apartment and all financial responsibility was hers. She asked me if I could help watch her when she was at work. Of course I agreed. I figured this time I was a mema(grandmother).I could spend time with this little precious baby and send her home at night.

The following Monday after I watched her my daughter officially adopted her. She went to the Humane Society and filled out the paperwork etc. We came to find out that the puppy was 3 months old.Her official name? Kiwi....(although I secretly call her cannoli whenever I can).So backwards we counted. June,May,April...put her birth at the middle of March. I thought pretty awesome. We could pick a date near my birthday ( the 17th) and celebrate together.

It was while my daughter and I were discussing the date when an odd look came over her face. She said,"Mom,one of the reasons why I fell in love with Kiwi so quickly is because her face looks like Paris'" I agreed. Then she said "Mom,we need to make Kiwi's birthday the 15th of March." I said,"Kali,that's the day we put Paris down." She said,"I know.That's why I picked that date.I think that Paris knew how much we loved her and how sad we have all been since she's gone that in some crazy way she's back as

Kiwi to make us smile again!"

Now really think about that. What are the odds that our little Kiwi looks so much like Paris even though she's a mix. ....and what are the odds of this dog being born around the same time Paris was put down. As time goes on we are noticing many similarities in Kiwi's personality to Paris too. I think our precious Paris has come back to us and our family is feeling complete once more !So do our fur babies reincarnate? I certainly believe they do ! Namaste!

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