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Sometimes the Old Ways Are the Best Ways.

As I have recently been thrown into a situation of watching small children ,I have made an observation.Many of these kids have no basic skills. What I mean by that is so many of them have their heads buried in an ipad or some other sort of video gadget. That's all fine and well but what about trying to get outdoors,breathe in some fresh air and play!

When I was a kid the Summer was the greatest time of year. It was the time that you could hang out on your front stoop til at least 10 p.m. That was a very big deal way back when. Never mind a Saturday. You didn't even think of staying indoors. Once the morning cartoons were done,you got dressed ,threw on your sneakers and out the door you went. We didn't come in for anything. We all knew it was cleaning day and we were lucky to be able to use the restroom.

I was lucky enough to grow up on a dead end street with a lot of kids on it. There was always someone hanging out.Kick ball,double dutch,red light green light and hopscotch were just some of the games we played.We also knew how to swim,ride bikes and roller skate.How can I ever forget those steel skates with the key. Our parents hated when we skated because we always scuffed up our new sneakers.Back then we just had one pair til you grew out of them.Imagine that?

There were no such thing as swimming lessons. You went to the pool and someone threw you in.So we all learned real quick. It was for survival purposes which I believe is why most of my generation are such strong swimmers.

Criss crossing mosquito bites with your fingernail,creating shows in someones backyard and charging everyone a quarter to watch,arguing with each other until a kid from another block tried joining in.These are all memories that will stay with me forever.....and what great memories they are !!!!!Namaste.


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